Firebase plugin update


We’ve released an update to Firebase plugins. Plugins now support In and “array-contains-any” queries.

Read more from here:

Here’s an example project which uses both query types: This project also showcases horizontally scrolling list which will be added to upcoming React Studio release.

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Antti, can you post the file for this? I’ve been trying to figure out how to do this exact thing for three weeks, and I’m so frustrated (I’m not a genius developer like you guys/gals). If I could see where all the code was inserted I could actually pull this off.
P.S. I created a back end GUI for Firebase that allows me to make additions and updates in a user-friendly format. I’ll share it as soon as I work out two bugs.


Hi, here you go:

In this project, I see you use a transform script to put quotes around the value that goes into the data slot to work around the issue where the query isn’t putting quotes around text variables. In my project, I’m using the Firebase Login Plugin element, which doesn’t allow you to transform the value before saving it into the data slot, making it impossible to escape the string that’s stored in the data slot. What would you suggest to work around this issue?

The workaround we found was to put double quotes around $slot(‘ds_SlotSelectedStatus’)

The final query looks like this:
where(“status”, “in”, ["$slot(‘ds_SlotSelectedStatus’)"])

That’s actually the right way to do it. You would probably not add the quotes into variable itself also if you’d write the code instead of using the studio.