Hi, we’ve released an 1.7.0 update to React Studio. This update contains new Validator element for form field validation. Please note that we’ve also released an big update to Firebase plugin.
Read more from here: https://medium.com/@reactstudio/major-update-to-react-studio-749c4f133cd0
Firebase plugin update: https://medium.com/@reactstudio/firebase-plugin-update-firestore-collection-group-queries-and-increment-925bf8603f1f?sk=bb91c86810ee4fb3706a905e42d88c34
Feel free to test out the example chat app created with Studio and latest Firebase plugins: https://neonto.cloud/u/chatdemoexamplemedium/
Great feature Antti. It works just fine. Just one quick note about using the form validator that I learned. Make sure of setting the validator in the first place at the interact tab. Otherwise it won’t work.
Yes, interaction code is written in the same order as they are in Interact panel.
We’ve released an update to React Studio (Version 1.7.6).
Update contains updates to drawer menu and new “Dummy login” Data plugin for showcasing how to create custom login data plugins.
Find full changelog here: https://docs.neonto.com/reactstudiochangelog/
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We’re implementing new feature to React Studio which should make managing custom scripts much easier. New view gathers all projects custom scripts in one place.
Here’s a screenshot of the dev-version of the view
Do you have any feature ideas that we could to add for this new “Script Editor” view?
P.S. Note that main idea in React Studio is NOT to use lean that much into custom scripting. Most of the stuff should be written into reusable plugins but sometimes it’s handy to write a little script rather than writing a plugin. As many of you already know custom scripts tend to make projects really complicated to maintain and grow.
Hi Antti,
a multi tab script editor will be usefull!!
that looks awesome i waanted to somehow use atom / sublime but that would do just fine /
Just a heads up about how to use the Localization Data sheet in Studio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLyJyEz1PQ
Very very nice the last update!!
good job for script editor…
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We’ve finally released major update to React Studio. This was a one and a half month “sprint” with lot’s of things to fix
Anyway the update is out now and support for React Router is now part of vanilla React Studio. Read more from here:
Read more detailed post about React router here:
Map view with pin zoom really exciting !
Bravo React Studio Team. This is huge and will connect you with broader communities. Awesome!
Update for Firebase plugin is available now. This update adds “Log event” interaction to your Firebase app projects.
What’s new!
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We’ve released an update to React Studio. Read the changelog here: https://docs.neonto.com/reactstudiochangelog/
We’ve release a major update to React Studio.
This version contains completely revamped rendering engine for Design canvas (We’ve started to work with the new rendering engine one year ago). This means that Studio is much faster when using complex projects and lot’s of nested components. This also means that project files are converted to new rendering when you open them with new Studio version. If you have important project files and you want to “play safe” we ask you to take backups of your project files before opening the Studio.
New version also contains integration to Xano’s No Code backend. You’ll find this in the Data sheet view
Full change log and previous version can be seen here: https://docs.neonto.com/reactstudiochangelog/
Hi React Studio. Some problems are happening.
- All images, including png and vector elements such as rectangles, have disappeared or lost their path. For my large project, this would be a lot of rework to be done.
- App settings: Icon also disappeared and the “Load icon from image file” is not working.
- Scripts, as far as I tell they’re all working fine. Not 100% tested.